April 10, 2008
Mr. Michael Gould
Architectural Additions, Inc.
Northbrook, IL 60062
Unbelievable! We are back in our house after only 5 months and you have totally transformed our very dated, 1940’s cape cod into a lovely new home. For four years before we met you, my husband and I talked to many architects, general contractors and even builders for new construction. We have various plans from them but none gave us the space we were looking for or an exterior design we liked. We were so frustrated, and felt like we had made a big mistake buying our house. We bought it for the neighborhood, and the large lot… but we didn’t anticipate how challenging it would be to figure out how to renovate it… until we met you. That’s when everything changed….
From the moment we met you, we were so impressed with how fast you moved. Within a couple days you had a first draft plan that was closer to what we wanted than anything we had seen previously. Then you brought your people in to inspect the job (carpenter, plumber, etc.) before you gave us a quote, so there would be no surprises. You provided references – and we talked to all them and went to their houses. Your previous clients spoke so highly of you, your work, and your word, that when we signed the contract we knew we were making a good decision. In hindsight, we made a great decision.
People in the neighborhood can’t believe the small army that was at our house every day, how quickly the job was done, particularly given the magnitude of the job, and how wonderful it looks. And it is wonderful – inside and out – with a beautiful, updated exterior, a fabulous new gourmet kitchen, a large family room off the kitchen, two extra bedrooms and two extra bathrooms upstairs, a mudroom, the list goes on and on. The neighbors also commented that you were there everyday overseeing the work as they came to recognize your ‘House Doctor’ license plates.
We believe your credentials as both an architect and builder make you very unique, particularly for challenging renovations like ours. Then your passion and commitment to creating a quality product make you a real find (and goodness knows we looked!) I would be remiss to not mention your lovely wife Barbara, who also played an important role in the project; helping with fixtures, making suggestions, and of course, being attentive to our children. Given the experience we have had, Juan Carlos and I will be delighted to be a reference for you as we talk about you every chance we get
Thank you.
Sally S. Kroha